Friday, May 2, 2008

Post Wisdom Teeth Extraction - Days 13 & 14

It's been 2 weeks already! This is probably the last post about my wisdom teeth since it's pretty much the same these days. Just waiting for that last socket to heal. I went to the oral surgeon today for follow up. He looked at it for 30 seconds and that was it. He said it doesn't look like there is an infection, so just wait till it heals! Oh well! I was really not that happy with this surgeon and his clinic, but I'm glad this is over.
As for the AC, the tech came this morning, checked out the thing, then he said he need to check the unit on the roof. Went up the stairs and found out the door is locked! We checked 3 doors, the other 2 going to different sections of the building, and they were both unlocked, only the one we need is locked!!! WTF! I called the management company and they said this needs to be scheduled with them in advance (preferably more than 1 week notice)! Now I have to endure this heat for another week (or two), AND I have to pay the AC company twice because I have to pay for the tech to come out today even though nothing much was done! The bill is $89!!! I told the management company and they say I can write to the HOA and request for the fee to be reimbursed although there is no guarantee that the request will be granted. I'll be sure to write to them and bitch and complain about this. I only have three words to say now:

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