Monday, June 9, 2008


So I've been pretty obsessed about reading crime blogs lately. I started this habit a few months ago. Before that, I never knew there is SO MUCH crime in LA. I guess when you're just hiding in your room and sit in front of the computer everyday, you really don't know what's happening in the outside world. There were 14 homicides this past weekend. That number sounds kinda insane. And it's not like that messed up Akihabara guy who just sort of snapped because he's sick of life. Most of these happening in LA are gang-related shootings and stabbings, which makes me want to know even more whether my neighborhood is safe or not (although if it really has to happen, there's nothing you can do about it). Here are some links that I check often. I'll also add these links to the right-hand panel.

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